Feeder Night!

Hey Bears fans!

We hope you’re still buzzing from the incredible energy of our recent Feeder Night event! This past Monday, our entire Cambridge Lacrosse community came together for a night of excitement, unity, and unforgettable memories.

Feeder Night is always a special occasion for us, as it brings together players from all age groups, from the littlest kindergarteners to our seasoned seniors. This year was no exception, and the camaraderie among our Bears Lacrosse family was electric!

Our JV and Varsity teams faced off against Johns Creek, and they did not disappoint. With flawless performances, both teams secured victories that had our fans roaring with pride. It was a testament to our players’ and coaches’ hard work and dedication.

Feeder Night!

Credit: Chris Meeks

But the night’s highlight wasn’t just the games themselves—the sense of community and support permeated every moment. During halftime of the Varsity game, our youngest stars from the U10 team took to the field for a mini-game, cheered on by the entire varsity squad. The joy and excitement on the faces of our youth players were priceless, and it warmed our hearts to see the bonds forming across age groups.

A special shoutout goes to Chris Meeks for capturing the magic of the evening through his photography. Thanks to him, we’ll have lasting memories of this incredible event to cherish for years to come.

Feeder Night is more than just a lacrosse game—it’s a celebration of everything that makes our community special. It’s about coming together, supporting one another, and fostering a love for the game that extends far beyond the field.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Feeder Night this year. Your enthusiasm and spirit are what make our Bears family truly extraordinary. Here’s to many more memorable moments together on and off the field.

Go Bears!

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