Honor the Game - Expectations for our Players, Parents and Coaches

Expectations of Players

  • CYL encourages and promotes multi-sport athletes. But, during the Select season, we expect players to commit to lacrosse as their primary sport.
  • Coaches expect 100% effort.
    • Everything is at maximum effort unless we are going through a new drill at a slower speed while learning. This starts at and includes pre-practice/game warm-ups through to the last whistle.
    • Physical conditioning is critical, and running will be a component of practice time. Get in shape and stay in shape.
  • Coaches expect 100% focus
    • When coaches are talking/teaching, players need to be listening
    • Full attention is required while at practice
    • Socializing can be done before practice/game, limited during water breaks, and after practice/game.
  • All players must attend practices/games with a positive attitude towards their team, eager to learn and to continue improving their stick skills and lacrosse IQ.
  • Be a good teammate.
    • Support your fellow lax teammates on and off the field
    • Celebrate your teammate's success
    • Everyone makes mistakes! Help your teammates learn from mistakes or shortcomings positively. Some of our most valuable lessons are learned in these instances.
    • Verbal or physical bullying/arguments will not be tolerated and could result in removal from the team. If this is identified, please report it to your player’s coach and/or Program Director.
  • Attend all practices and games.
    • A team is comprised of every player. So, to practice as a team…we all need to commit to being at every practice.
    • If your player cannot attend a practice or game, please COMMUNICATE this information to your coach as soon as possible.
    • Practice plans and game plans are made well in advance. Missing players can drastically impact the rest of the team.
  • Practice outside of scheduled practices
    • There are plenty of opportunities to improve your game outside of practice, including:
      • Playing catch (using both hands), focusing on your off-hand. Work with a teammate, parent, or another CYL participant, or find a wall
      • Seek outside assistance by attending a clinic or working with a coach/trainer
      • Work on conditioning. As noted above, get in shape and stay in shape.

Expectations of Coaches

  • Adhere to the guidance of the Select or Recreation Team Director
  • Create a positive environment for players to continue to develop their individual and team lacrosse skills.
  • Set and communicate appropriate expectations with parents and players.
  • Maintain an open line of communication with players and parents.
  • Foster and implement the Cambridge Way.

Expectations of Parents/Guardians

  • Get your player to games and practices on time and with complete equipment and water.
  • Support the efforts of all players in a positive manner.
  • Communicate with coaches if there is ever a disconnect between expectations and reality.
  • Sideline behavior
    • Please support your players to the fullest extent possible
    • However, please refrain from coaching your player – LET THE COACHES COACH
    • Never criticize the referees
    • Never criticize another player (our team or the opposing team)
    • Never engage parents from the opposing team