We reached our goal – Congratulations CYL Families!!!

A tremendous effort and huge thanks to the CYL lacrosse teams and families who participated in the 1st Annual CYL Coca-Cola Fundraiser.

We are pleased to announce in conjunction with Coca-Cola and other sponsorships, we’ve successfully reached our goal of $5,000 to fund our wall ball and other improvements!!! This is a tremendous effort to further support our commitment to strengthen the CYL program for our community.

A special congratulations to the following winners:  
Top Seller: COLE WOMACK U13 (26 cases) Six Flags tickets
Second Place Seller: JACKSON BRYANT U9 (24 cases) Swarm tickets
Honorable Mentions: JOSH OBLEN U13 & GREY DONNER U11 $25 Amazon gift cardsTop Selling Team: BOYS JR SELECT  (79 cases) Pizza party this week at practice


  • Delivery Day: Friday, May 3rd 4pm-7pm (NO EXCEPTIONS)
  • Publix Parking Lot at Bethany Village (13800 Hwy 9)
  • Pick up will be behind the Publix building. Please note this is a one-way car-pool style pick-up.  You must enter from the El Azteca location.
  • CYL volunteers will be on location to direct all cars to the pick-up location.

We still have a few slots we are trying to fill, so if you’re able to help out, please do!

Sign Up Genius:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BA9AE2FAAFF2-cylcocacola

On behalf of the CYL Board,
We thank you for your support.

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